Updated: 4th October, 2024


ANZEL Multimode Network

EchoLink *HAM*  69556, *AOTEAROA* 256883, *WALES* 485040, *MEGANETS* 637329, *SWDG* 676659, *NEWPORT* 958488, M17-432 H, M17-WAL H, M17-SWD H, AllStar 49903, 48820, 52284, IRLP 9556, DVNZ D-Star XLX299-H,  TGIF TG 50556, FreeDMR TG 50556, YSF Reflector 50556, Extended Freedom Network SIP Portal 499814 and Hamshack Hotline 94144

ANZEL Automated News Broadcast System (AANBS) Schedule - 4th October, 2024

SATURDAYRAOTC News175021500850 SundayMonthly - 1st Sunday, except January
SATURDAYAR Newsline Report183022300930 SundayWeekly
SATURDAYWIA National News190023001000 SundayWeekly - Callbacks Taken by John VK3HJQ after the AR NSW VK2WI News
AR NSW VK2WI News193223321032 SundayWeekly - Live from Dural - Callbacks Taken by John VK3HJQ
SUNDAYNZART Official News020007001700 SundayMonthly - Last Sunday, except January - Callbacks Taken by Thomas ZL3TOM
SUNDAYAR NSW VK2WI News043008301930 SundayWeekly - Live from Dural - Callbacks Taken by John VK3HJQ

How we do the News Broadcast’s – AANBS

The ANZEL Automated News Broadcast System (AANBS) was the brain child of Dave GW8SZL and John VK3HJQ, we wanted a simpler way of doing all the news broadcasts on our servers.

So, this is how it all works…..

The News Broadcasts are now totally automated, with gaps (5 seconds) every 150 seconds to allow for timer resets on the EchoLink network. This is achieved by a script file written by Dave GW8SZL, this script file downloads the latest version of the news file (by date) from the appropriate news server web site, it then adds our own ANZEL promo file recorded by John VK3HJQ to the start of each of the news file (xpromo.mp3 > xnews.mp3), then the script runs a convert program on all these news audio files (xnews.mp3 > xnews.wav > xnews.tbd), to allow them to be played in a format directly from “THEBRIDGE” (the software that runs the conference servers), they are then ready for broadcasting on our EchoLink servers, *HAM*, *WALES*, *AOTEAROA* and *NEWPORT* at the appropriate time slots.

So now every Sunday morning in Australia we broadcast the news using our ANZEL Automated News Broadcast System (AANBS) these include the AR Newsline (Amateur Radio Newsline Report) at 0930 local time AEST/AEDT AU (2335/2235 UTC) followed by the WIANEWS (Wireless Institute of Australia National News) at 10:00am AEST/AEDT AU (00:00/23:00 UTC), and last but not least on the last Sunday of each month at 6:00pm AEST/AEDT AU (08:00/07:00 UTC) (8:00pm NZ) the NZART (New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters) Official News Broadcast at the same time it is officially broadcasted on RF in New Zealand.

Now for the live broadcasts, yes LIVE News broadcasts using the ANZEL Automated News Broadcast System (AANBS), well Dave GW8SZL has again written another script (well two) to accommodate this and after some testing with John VK3HJQ we can now take live News Broadcast feeds onto our conference servers.

The live feed comes from ARNSW (Amateur Radio New South Wales) VK2WI, which does live broadcasts on 160m through to 23cm and now on EchoLink via our servers.

Basically, the script allows the live audio feed to transmit for 150 seconds it then mutes the live feed for 4 seconds ONLY to allow just enough time for timer to resets, and then on it goes again. This is achieved by running two separate scripts starting at the same time. The first script connects automatically to VK2WI-L (limited access only) for the live News feed. The second script uses the loop principle, basically once started (at the time the live news broadcast commences) it does nothing more than sleep for 150 seconds, then it comes to life and mutes VK2WI-L for 4 seconds, which after some testing we have found is enough to reset the timers on all the stations connected up, as the mute time is only 4 seconds long it does not show up every time on the screen of stations connected due to the update time required on the EchoLink network. The process is then repeated throughout the duration of the broadcast. As the time of the broadcast may vary in length, the script runs longer than the usual broadcast time just in case the news overruns, and we then manually disconnect VK2WI-L when the broadcast finishes, the script is still running but has no effect on VK2WI-L as it has been disconnected by then.

So now every Sunday night in Australia we now also broadcast live at 1930 local time AEST/AEDT (0930/0830 UTC) the ARNSW (Amateur Radio New South Wales) VK2WI News broadcast.

So that’s how it all works in a nut shell, oh, by the way, all are welcome to tune in to all our news broadcasts and are encouraged to Check in after the News with our News Net Controller (NNC) John VK3HJQ, all the WIANEWS and ARNSW VK2WI Check Ins are forwarded in weekly for collation.

Dave GW8SZL / John VK3HJQ (4th October 2019)



DAY: Sunday AU

Time:  0930 AEST / AEDT (2330 UTC / 2230 UTC)

Amateur Radio Newsline

John VK3HJQ – Amateur Radio Newsline Rebroadcaster / Callback operator.

AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE rebroadcasted via the *HAM* EchoLink Conference Server.

(Current News Auto timer settings: 150sec TX & 5sec RX for TOT’s)

All are welcome to connect up and take the News feed or just tune in. Callbacks are taken after the News, So Please Check In.



Founded in 1910, the WIA is acknowledged as being one of the first radio societies in the world, and is the world’s oldest national amateur radio society.

DAY: Sunday AU

Time:  10:00 AEST / AEDT (00:00 UTC / 23:00 UTC) – The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) National News Broadcast.

John VK3HJQ – WIA National News Rebroadcaster / Callback Operator.

WIANEWS is re-broadcasted via the *HAM* EchoLink Conference Server.

(Current EL News Auto timer settings: 150 Seconds TX & 5 Seconds RX for TOT’s)

*Manual / Auto connected stations taking the News feed: VK2RAD-R, VK2REE-R, VK4DA-L , VK4JY-L & VK5DMC-L

All are welcome to connect up and take the News feed or just tune in. Callbacks are taken after the News, So Please Check In, as the check in numbers are sent to the WIA for collating.



DAY: Sunday AU

Time: 0850 AEST / AEDT (2150 UTC / 2250 UTC).

Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia Inc News Feed.

1st Sunday of the month (except January).

AANBS (ANZEL Automated News Broadcast System) RAOTC News Feed.

John VK3HJQ and Robert VK2DY – Rebroadcaster / Callback operators.

RAOTC NEWS BROADCAST rebroadcasted via the *HAM* EchoLink Conference Server.

(Current News Auto timer settings: 150sec TX & 5sec RX for TOT’s)

All are welcome to connect up and take the News feed or just tune in. Callbacks are taken after the News, So Please Check In.


DAY: Sunday AU

Time: 1930 AEST / AEDT (0830 UTC / 0930 UTC)

AR NSW New South Wales Official News Broadcast from Sydney, Australia – State News – VK2WI

*HAM* is now relaying the ARNSW (Amateur Radio New South Wales) VK2WI News Broadcasts Live, YES Live, every Sunday evening AU @ 1930 local time AEST/AEDT (0830 / 0930 UTC)

After some testing by Mat VK2YAP (president ARNSW) and John VK3HJQ we now have had our first successful live News Broadcast relayed last weekend onto EchoLink via the *HAM* conference server.

Each EchoLink conference server allows a maximum of 99 connections on each server, but by multi linking the EchoLink conference servers together as we do on *HAM*, this then makes it possible for more connected stations on each of the separate conference servers to now make contact with others from all over the world.

Thanks to all the help of the ANZEL Team – (Australian & New Zealand EchoLink Network), Robert VK2DY, John VK3HJQ, Norm ZL4NORM, Dave GW8SZL for getting this up and running and not forgetting Declan 2W0KYH the ANZEL Mascot for his dedication.

For more information about the ANZEL network you can visit the ANZEL Multimode Network Site

The ANZEL Network also allows connection back onto the EchoLink ANZEL Network via IRLP 9556, as well as AllStar 49903, 52284 and 48820, so if you prefer these modes of entering the network they are available to you as well.

The *HAM* conference server will now be relaying the live VK2WI News directly every Sunday evening AU at 1930 (0800 UTC) for those of you who prefer this means of listening into the VK2WI News.

Callbacks will be taken at the end of the VK2WI News via the *HAM* Conference Server by yours truly, News Net Controller John VK3HJQ, so please check in and say hello, all check in numbers are sent to ARNSW for collation.

All stations are welcome to connect up and take the audio feed or just listen in by simply connecting directly to *HAM* 69556 / IRLP 9556 / AllStar 49903, 52284 or 48820


VK2WI News Broadcasts

Amateur Radio New South Wales conducts morning and evening news broadcasts from its facilities at 63 Quarry Rd Dural on Sundays.

The morning bulletin commences at 10am local time with a relay of VK1WIA National news, then local VK2WI news follows from about 1030. The evening bulletin, starting at 1930 local time, consists of an expanded version of the VK2WI news including the DX report, as well as occasional technical features. For a few weeks over the Christmas holidays, morning only transmissions are made.

After each news broadcast callbacks are taken on most of the frequencies used.

All Logos & photos are Copyright to their respective owners


NZART (New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters) OFFICIAL NEWS BROADCAST

Updated: 24th September, 2022

Day:  Sunday AU

Time: 17:00 AU, 20:00 NZ. 07:00 UTC

NZART Official Broadcast (once a month)

New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Official Broadcast

John VK3HJQ – NZART News Rebroadcaster / Callback operator – ZL Callback operator, Thomas ZL3TOM

NZART OFFICIAL NEWS BROADCAST rebroadcasted via the *HAM* EchoLink Conference Server.

(Current News Auto timer settings: 150sec TX & 5sec RX for TOT’s)

The NZART Official Broadcast is made on the last Sunday of each month in ZL, starting with February through until November.

In December it is made on the Sunday in ZL before Christmas. There is no broadcast in January.

All are welcome to connect up and take the News feed or just tune in. Callbacks are taken after the News, So Please Check In.