ANZEL Multimode VoIP / RoIP Network – CODE OF CONDUCT
Updated: 25th June, 2023

ANZEL Multimode Network
EchoLink *HAM* 69556, *AOTEAROA* 256883, *WALES* 485040, *MEGANETS* 637329, *SWDG* 676659, *NEWPORT* 958488, M17-432 H, M17-WAL H, M17-SWD H, AllStar 49903, 48820, 52284, IRLP 9556, DVNZ D-Star XLX299-H, TGIF TG 50556, FreeDMR TG 50556, YSF Reflector 50556, Extended Freedom Network SIP Portal 499814 and Hamshack Hotline 94144
The ANZEL Network is a community of amateur radio operators from all walks of life and backgrounds.
The Network prides itself on its strong and welcoming social community.
All using / accessing the ANZEL Network agree to this short and simple Code of Conduct:
Be friendly and respectful to all. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
This Code of Conduct applies to all ANZEL Network users but first and foremost to all of the permanently connected conference servers, nodes, repeaters and links on our system.
ANZEL Admin Team